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Beg Choreography

Tuesday 6:30pm-8pm


Class Description:

Youran's style is powerful, quick on her feet, and focuses heavily on textures. She hopes to push her students to reach their fullest potentials by working on unique musicality and expansive movements. Her choreography mostly consists of Hip Hop and Jazz techniques, but is also heavily inspired by other street dance forms such as House, Popping, and Waacking. In her Adv.beginner class, students should have at least a general understanding of Hip Hop foundations so that they can start diving into more complex choreography and concepts within dance. 


Youran Lee is a performer, choreographer, and dance educator from San Diego, California that is now based in New York City. With a B.S. in Applied Psychology from New York University, Youran combines her love for dance with her love for people by striving to create dance spaces that are inclusive and accessible for all.

Youran started dancing at the age of 9 in multiple forms of dance, including Hip Hop, Jazz, Tap, Contemporary, Ballet, and Modern. She has competed in multiple dance companies since childhood, which later led to her becoming the youngest Artistic Director for the Neighbors, a competitive NYC dance team. Under Youran’s leadership, the Neighbors won several awards, including first place at World of Dance, second place at Elements, and much more. She proved herself to be a leader in the New York dance community-- she became the youngest faculty member at House of Movement, founded her own company called YLDC, and started dance programs for the community such as the Absolute Beginner Workshops and WFH online dance program.

In addition, Youran has trained with the Broadway Dance Center Professional Semester, and is a member of Bo Park’s Shinsa The Collective. She is currently a teacher at the School of Nimbus in Jersey City, and is excited to start teaching at PJM Studios! Youran’s credits include: BTS Love Yourself Tour, Nickelodeon, Boss In The Mirror, Ted Park, La Liga, Peridance, and more.

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